General Frequently Asked Questions

What is School First Project?

The project supports the education of the poorest children in Kenya by fundraising for their immediate needs.

Why should I donate to School First Project?

This project is a community endeavor. Our sole purpose is to reach and help children in areas where it is hardest for them to access the most basic needs – food, clothing, and education.

Our reach is small, and so has the potential to be very impactful. We’re currently working to help a total of 15 children through a transparent process that will make it possible for you to see, in real time, how your monthly contributions are helping to reshape their future.
100% of your donations go directly to helping these children in need grow up educated, healthy, and safe – forever changing the course of their lives.

How does it work?

We fundraise for 3 main things:

Often, the kids need all 3 of the above for their learning process to remain uninterrupted:
  1. Raising school fees for these kids reduces their chances of dropping out to look for it themselves
  2. The ones who manage to go back to school with the help of compassionate people (like you), usually might also not be able to afford enough school supplies to last them through the school year. In extreme, yet common cases, kids without math instruments and school-approved-pencils aren’t allowed to sit for their exams, and those in boarding school but have no supplies can’t (for example) wash up because they don’t have enough soap. The stigma around poor hygiene and low testing scores is really high in the community; sometimes even bad enough to force needy children to drop out.
  3. Kids who need help to afford both school supplies and fees don’t usually come from homes that can afford to give them packed lunch, or snacks to eat during recess. So, they have no choice but to go hungry for the entire school day, and this makes it really hard for them to concentrate in class.
The project directs 100% of your monthly support towards a pool that funds these 3 main needs.
And since these needs are on a recurring basis, we have come to learn that monthly donations to support specific needs works best. For instance:
  1. $15 per month can help raise school fees for 1 child for an entire year
  2. $15 per month can help buy school/boarding supplies for 1 child; and
  3. $10 per month pays for school lunch AND buys school snacks for 1 child
We have a total of 15 kids that we’re trying to help. Click here to learn more.

How does School First Project coordinate with other aid agencies to avoid duplication of services?

Currently, there are no aid agencies in our target areas offering the same service. The kids we’re on a mission to help are those who would have otherwise received no support.

How much of my donation will go toward programs?

All of it. Our project is small to ensure that all the help we receive isn’t swallowed up by any overhead costs.
100% of your contribution goes to the kids, and ensures that their education remains uninterrupted.

What is School First Project’s Tax ID Number?

We are a community project, and therefore don’t have a Tax ID Number. Our immediate need is to help get our kids an education, so all our funds and attention is currently directed towards that goal.
We are, however, hopeful about a future where we can help more kids as a registered charity.

Where do I mail my donation to School First Project?

We encourage you to use online payment platforms, such as PayPal. But in the event that you would prefer to mail your donation, please contact us directly via, and we will send you the details of a partner organization through which you can help support these kids.

How do I make a wire transfer to School First Project?

For sponsors living in the U.S, please contact us directly via and we will send you the details of our partner organization through which you can make the wire transfer.

Who do I contact if I have a question or issue with my donation?

You can contact the founder directly via email or our Facebook page (link). and receive a response within the hour.

Can I help collect funds for School First Project?

Absolutely! We’re always looking for help and any suggestions to help us with our mission. Please reach out via email to let us know what you have in mind.

How can I volunteer at School First Project?

It’s as easy as sending us an email letting us know what you have in mind, what you’re good at, and we’ll reach back out to you to get started..


How many kids do you serve?

We serve a total of 15 kids, all of whom are in immediate need of education support. Their ages range from 5-17 years. Meet them here.

How many kids have benefited so far?

So far, we have managed to help get 3 kids back to school, and provided school uniform, school shoes, and boarding school supplies for 8 more kids.

Who has used your services and turned their lives around?

All the kids who’ve used our services have experienced a change in the course of their lives, in one way of another:

What is your history?

The School First Project has been working with needy children and orphans in the background since 2019, and are now making their online debut.
We started out as a church project, and received help from well-wishers in the UK and USA with ties to our local churches. In 2019, we provided food and hygiene supplies to widows and orphans. The aim was to ease their daily worries about sustenance.
In 2022, our focus shifted to kids from poor households. We saw that the persistently poor children came from families with constant obstacles to economic success. So, to end the cycle of lifelong poverty, we sought for support to remove the most common hindrances to possible future success – those that make learning harder.
The 15 kids we’re trying to help are all from extremely poor homes, and so all our efforts are on giving them the best possible chance at a better life.

What is your organization structure?

The founder (link to About page) is the main project representative. Angela conducts all outreach, communication and fundraising efforts, with the help of volunteers from the local church.

What is your current funding request?

We are on a mission to support the education of some of the poorest kids in rural Kenya; those who would have otherwise received no outside help, and forced to drop
All funding requests are tied to the kids’ immediate requests.
Join our campaign


Where can I find the project’s financial information?

We make sure to send out updated annual financial reports to all our supporters, including receipts, and a detailed breakdown of how all funds were allocated to meet the kids’ needs.


How will you update me on the kids’ progress and their community?

We have weekly interactive lives where you’ll get to meet the kids and ask them questions first-hand. We will also send you up-to-date newsletters on important milestones for the kids and their community.